Snake Avoidance Training

We keep the FUN in and take the FEAR out.

Pre-Registration is required, limited spaces available.

Is your dog ready?

  • Does your dog:

    • Have a good leave-it?

    • Recall reliably around distractions?

    • Been trained on a station or platform?

    If the answers to everything above is YES! Then you are ready to go right into our Snake Avoidance Course

If the answer is NO, then you will start with our Snake Avoidance Foundations prior to the Snake Avoidance Course.

How Long Does It Take?

Snake Avoidance Training has two groups. The dogs who have successfully checked all the boxes of the questions above and those who have not.

So for those who have not you will spend 4 hours in classes, across 5 weeks. This allows for skill building before we add in the stimulus.

For those who have checked all the boxes you will spend 45 minutes with us each week for 3 weeks.

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Do you offer a guarantee

No trainer or behavior consultant will ever offer a guarantee on results. There are too many factors involved. A few examples of which are:

Time spent keeping up on skills outside of class and beyond completion of course.

Dogs are animals and no animals behavior, including our own can be predicted in the future, we can only use the most up to date methods to give ourselves the best chance for success.

We do offer course discount pricing to students who return to take more courses of refresh their learning.

Beware of those offering guarantees this is often done with behavior suppression that runs the risk of worse behaviors starting or dangerous behaviors beginning.

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How can I keep my dog safe around snakes?

As a whole, knowing where you are at, staying on trails, knowing what your local venomous snakes look like, being prepared in the case you or your dog are bitten. Rattle Snake Avoidance Training using positive reinforcement, knowing where your dogs nearest ER clinic is at, knowing where your nearest ER is at, and being proactive about only working off leash when your dog is ready.

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